I had seen two great charts Kathy Schrock had made about Apps to Support Bloom's taxonomy. I have seen, and used, the ones for Android and Google. I just found two more on her site: iPad and Web 2.0 Apps.
The charts are interactive and include links to apps organized by the category from Bloom: Creating, Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding, and Remembering. The apps I've checked out are all free. Some apps show up in more than one category too.
The iPad and Android charts also have an activity listed under the apps, such as commenting, video creation, etc.

These are great starting points to find apps to use with your students based on Bloom's Taxonomy. Check them out. http://www.schrockguide.net/bloomin-apps.html

Bloom's Taxonomy and Technology - great resources for teachers
Android Resources for Education - apps, how-to's, reviews, forums, and more.
Android Apps related to Bloom's Taxonomy
Google for Educators Resources
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